Who are we and how we started

Our Story

At Investage, we came together from three continents to solve entrepreneurs' significant problems in building their ventures. Entrepreneurs are failing more and more these days. We believe they are not well supported by accelerators, incubators, and venture capital funds. There are significant gaps between what the entrepreneurship support organizations provide and what startup teams need.

Investage founders joined their forces and synergized their knowledge and experience to revolutionize how ventures are built. Mentoring, investing, and building startups and new-technology companies within Australian, European, and Asian innovation playgrounds, Investage is now on a mission to build ventures in North America and specifically the Canadian innovation ecosystem. We started our collaboration based on the collaborative innovation philosophy and innovative models of business design and development. We provide services and programs designed to solve team building, ideation, and fundraising for HealthTech, BioTech, FoodTech, AgriTech, CleanTech, and FinTech entrepreneurs based on our design, build, and operation methodology (iDOB).

Our Philosophy

Innovation is not about starting very big; it is all about starting from one point, even from a tiny dot! Innovation is about a dot that challenges the status quo in a disruptive way. Innovation is also about connecting separate dots to form a bigger shape, a bigger dot with a new meaning, a meaningful entity.

At Investage, we define innovation as dots that are going to be connected to form a more meaningful concept, same as a QR Code that is compromised of dots conveying a new message that is leading to transformation. Investage connects the dots into meanings that are valuable products or services that are in everyday life.